Update on future of George Hughes Fishmonger, 197 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh
We would like to inform our valued customers that we remain in negotiations with our landlord and will remain open until at least Saturday 17
We would like to inform our valued customers that we remain in negotiations with our landlord and will remain open until at least Saturday 17
I would like to clarify the situation with respect to the future of our shop in Bruntsfield beyond my imminent retirement. Our customers have been
What the colour of a fish tells you about its lifestyle and nutritional content.
Why eating fish in winter will help keep you strong in mind and body
Summer is the season of al fresco eating. Find out how to cook your favourite seafood on the barbecue.
A barbecue is a great way to share tasty food with friends and family. Make your BBQ extra special with fish! Follow our tips on how to cook fish on a BBQ to make sure it’s a success.
Seeing as we’re giving away 500g of free haddock fillets it’s only right that we offer you some ideas for how to cook the stuff, right? Right.
Ahead of Good Friday we’ve selected two recipes you can ponder for the big family meal at the end of the week.
Want to celebrate St David’s Day in style with food Welsh-inspired food? Here are some recipes we think all fish & seafood lovers would enjoy!
White fish is an essential part of a healthy diet. Find out some of the main health benefits of white fish.
Looking for some tasty meal inspiration for your next date night? Try these easy recipes, simple enough so you don’t have to spend time in the kitchen and tasty enough to impress your date!
Get free salmon for your and your valentine – or just yourself! – when you spend over £60 in our fresh fish and seafood online shop.
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