How long can fish be kept in the fridge or freezer?


Because we vacuum-pack our fish, the freshness is preserved at its best. We also use ice packs for our deliveries, which ensures that the fish is not damaged or its freshness altered during delivery.

How long can raw fish be kept in the fridge?

In general, raw fish should be kept in the fridge 1 or 2 days maximum. If you are not going to eat the fish immediately, you can freeze it. It is best to freeze fish immediately to preserve freshness.

How long can cooked fish be kept in the fridge?

Cooked fish can be kept a bit longer than raw fish – 3 or 4 days maximum. This can be a solution if you are cooking ahead or you are buying extra time because you are not eating the fish within the 2-day limit.

How long can raw fish be kept in the freezer?

Once in the freezer fish can generally last up to 4 months – if you haven’t eaten it before! This is a guideline for best quality only; frozen fish should be safe to eat even after this limit, but the quality might not be the same.

Because of the way our fish is packed, the fish should be safe from freezer burn and is not damaged by the freezing process.

How long can cooked fish be kept in the freezer?

Cooked fish has the same storage guidelines as raw fish. In general, if in the freezer, the quality should be preserved up to 4 months after the freezing date. This means you can prepare meals such as fish pies, fish stews or risottos and freeze your leftovers. You can then defrost them easily and enjoy the dish with the same freshness!

Freezing time limits can vary depending on the type of fish, how it’s packed and the original condition and freshness. Here is an extract of a helpful infographic created by Freezing Labels. You can also view the full infographic for guidelines on time limits for different types of food.

Unlike others, we sell all of our fish FRESH and not frozen. That way, you can be sure that the fish you are getting has not been frozen for a while. Then if you freeze your fish you know it was still really fresh when you froze it.

We hope this has been useful, you can find out more about how we deliver to see how we can deliver market-quality fish to your door with a preserved freshness.

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